Ataharul Chowdhury

Associate Professor, University of Guelph

I am an educator, a social scientist, and a believer in sustainable change. If you are in making change and impacting lives, I am here to listen up​.

Publications Per Year

Publications Per Year

Publications Analysis

Publications Per Year

Publications by Type

Author(s)TitleYearType of PublicationEvent/Publication NameDOI/LinkNotesType of Collaboration
Karim, M. R., Chowdhury, A.H., Taznin, F.Factors Driving the Adoption of Drought Tolerance Varieties of Rice in Northern Bangladesh2024Conference Paper2024 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Florida, USA, April 22-25, 2024N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A.H., Kabir K.H.*Differences in Perspectives Regarding Adopting Digital Technologies by Different Actors Within Rainbow Trout Farming in Ontario, Canada2024Conference Paper2024 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Florida, USA, April 22-25, 2024N/AN/AAgri-food Innovation Alliance & Student
Uddin, M.N., Hasan, M.M., Sarker, A., Akter, M.S., Hasan, M., Rahman, S., Kabir, K.H., Uddin, M.S., Ishtiaque, A., Chowdhury, A.Effectiveness of Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies for Drought Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Farmer Perspective2024Conference Paper2024 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Florida, USA, April 22-25, 2024N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Akter, M.S., Uddin, M.N., Sarker, S., Hasan, M.M., Rahman, S., Donaldson, J.L., Chowdhury, A.H.Farmers’ Knowledge of Using Forecast Information in Crop Production: A Case of Rural Bangladesh2024Conference Paper2024 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Florida, USA, April 22-25, 2024N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Illesinghe Kankanamge, K.S.How does misinformation influence the virtual agri-food advisory service? Multiactor’s Perspectives from Sri Lanka2023Conference Paper26th European Seminar on Extension & Education, Toulouse, July 10-13, 2023N/AN/AStudent
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H*., Abdul-Rahim, A. & Alam, F. M*.A framework for researching and understanding (agri-food) misinformation in social media and online communities of practice2023Conference Paper2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, Canada, April 26-29, 2023N/AN/ATri-Council & Student
Gow, G., Dissanayeke, U., Ganpat, W., Chowdhury, A., & Ramjattan, J.The ICT Stewardship Project: Introducing a community of practice approach for inclusive digital innovation training with EAS practitioners2023Conference Paper2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, Canada, April 26-29, 2023N/AN/AAgri-food Innovation Alliance & Student
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K., Gibson, R. & Morris, M.Assessing stakeholders’ perception of underreported pluralistic advisory service system in Ontario, Canada using the Q-methodology2023Conference Paper2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, Canada, April 26-29, 2023N/AN/AAgri-food Innovation Alliance & Student
Ramjattan, J.*, Ganpat, W. & Chowdhury, A.Social Media Use and its Impact on Social Learning Among Facebook Users in the Agricultural Sector of Trinidad and Tobago2023Conference Paper2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, Canada, April 26-29, 2023N/AN/AStudent
Paige, A*. and Chowdhury, A.The Social Side of Soils: A Farmer Centered Analysis on the Adoption of Cover Crops2022Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 4-7, 2022N/AN/AStudent
Chowdhury, A. and Alam, F*.Combatting Online Agriculture Misinformation (OAM): A Perspective from Political Economy of Misinformation2022Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 4-7, 2022N/AN/ATri-Council & Student
Uddin, M. M.* and Chowdhury, A.Legal and Ethical Aspects of Deploying Artificial Intelligence for Climate Smart Agriculture: A Global Review2021Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada, Edmonton, Canada (virtual), June 2-4N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Kamruzzaman*, Md., Danniel, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Supporting Learning to Enhance Innovation in a Flash Flood affected Rice Farming Context in Bangladesh2021Conference Paper2021 Virtual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationN/AN/AStudent
Kabir*, K. H., & Chowdhury, A.Setting Development Agendas by the Media to Combat Threats to Agricultural Sustainability Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago2021Conference Paper2021 Virtual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. & Abdulai, A*.Towards a conceptual understanding of misinformation in Agricultural Communities of Practice (CoPs)2020Conference Paper2020 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, London, Canada-Ontario (abstract accepted, but conference cancelled)N/AN/ATri-Council & Student
Kamruzzaman, M*., Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Advisory services for strengthening farmers’ innovation network to adapt rice cultivation to flash flood in Bangladesh2020Conference PaperThe Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) 2020 Conference, London, Canada-OntarioN/AN/AStudent
Kamruzzaman, M*., Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Enhancing farmers’ learning to adapt rice cultivation to flash flooding in Bangladesh2020Conference PaperEnvironmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) 2020 Annual Conference, London, Canada-OntarioN/AN/AStudent
Kamruzzaman, M*., Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.How does the DAE strengthen farmers’ innovation networks to adapt rice cultivation to flash flooding in Bangladesh?2020Conference PaperAssociation for Non-profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) 2020 Annual ConferenceN/AN/AStudent
Gow, G., Chowdhury, A., Ganpat, W., & Ramjattan, J.Promoting Effective Use of ICTs with Technology Stewardship: Findings from a Training Course for Agricultural Extension Professionals in Trinidad and Tobago2018-2019Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Port of Spain, TrinidadN/AN/ATri-Council
Kabir, K*., Knierim, A., & Chowdhury, A.No forest, no dispute”-rights-based approach in creating an enabling environment for joint action: a case from Madhupur Sal forest, Bangladesh2018-2019Conference PaperSustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, MichiganN/AN/AStudent
Kabir, K. H*., Knierim, Andrea, Chowdhury, A.Assessment of pluralistic advisory services: A case of Madhupur Sal forest in Bangladesh2018Conference Paper13th European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Greece, July 1-5N/AN/AStudent
Chowdhury, A. & Ramjattan, J*.Trinidad & Tobago Context of ICT applications in agriculture2016-2017Conference PaperWorkshop on Development of the proposed action for the Sustainable Agriculture in Trinidad & Tobago, St. Augustine, TrinidadN/AInvitedStudent
Kathiravan, G., Saravanakumar, D., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Determinants of Willingness-To-Pay a premium price for Integrated Pest Management produced fruits and vegetables: The case of Trinidad2017Conference PaperConference on “Operations Management, Analytics and Statistical Methods-2017”, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysuru, India, January 6N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. & Ramjattan, J*.Trinidad & Tobago Context of ICT applications in agriculture2017Conference PaperWorkshop on Development of the proposed action for the Sustainable Agriculture in Trinidad & Tobago, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, MayN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A., Hambly Odame, H. & Ganpat, W.Embedded Video in Social Media Application: A Case Study on Use of Online Video for Supporting Agricultural Innovation in Ontario2017Conference PaperAnnual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association, Ryerson University, May 30-June 2N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Kaushik, P*., Chowdhury, A., Hambly Odame, H. & van Paassen, A.Social Media Use in Strengthening Networks of Stakeholders of the Local Food Innovation System in Ontario2017Conference PaperSocial Media & Society, Ryerson University, July 28-30N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A., Ganpat, W., Hambly Odame, H. & Ramjattan, J.How to Assess Interaction of Agri-food Stakeholder in Social Media?2017Conference Paper53rd Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, July 16-22, Isla Verde, Puerto RicoN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Ramjattan, J*., Chowdhury A., & Ganpat, W.Use of Pluralistic Agricultural Extension Service in Trinidad &Tobago2017Conference Paper53rd Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, July 16-22, Isla Verde, Puerto RicoN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A.H. and Hambly Odame, H.Social Media Metrics for Understanding Stakeholder’s Engagement2015Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Montreal, July 12-16N/AN/ATri-council
Chowdhury, A. H. and Hambly Odame, H.Agri-food and Rural Stakeholder’s Conversation in Social Media in Ontario2014Conference PaperSocial Media in Society Conference, Ryerson University, Sept 27-28N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury A. H., and Hambly Odame, H.Do social media support social change: Insights from the communication for social change perspectives?2013Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association, Victoria, BC, June 6N/AN/ATri-Council
Chowdhury A.H., and Hambly Odame, H.From output-based to process- based monitoring of agricultural extension project: Lessons from Bangladesh2013Conference PaperAnnual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Texas, May 19-23N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury A.H., Sarapura, S., Hambly Odame, H.Video-mediated communication for environmental and social change process: Present and future scenarios across Asia, Latin America, and Canada2012Conference PaperESAC Annual Conference during Congress 2012 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Waterloo, May 30-June 1N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury A.H. & Hambly Odame, H.Social media in enhancing innovation in the Canadian agri-food and rural sector2012Conference PaperRural Research Workshop organized by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, Ottawa, May 24-25N/AN/ATri-council
Chowdhury A. H. & Hambly Odame, H.Enhancing women farmers’ capacity of local botanical pesticide innovation through video-mediated learning in Bangladesh2012Conference PaperGlobal Development Symposium, University of Guelph, Ontario, May 6-9N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury A. H.,Social Shaping of Internet-based Media Applications in Global Communication Landscape: The Case of Iran and Indonesia2012Conference PaperEDRD 3160 International Communication, University of Guelph, FebruaryN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury A. H.The Power of Audio Visuals: Video-mediated Learning Enables Agricultural Innovation in Bangladesh2011Conference PaperCDE 642 Communication for Social and Environmental Change, University of Guelph, October 18N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Learning through moving pictures: Farmer-to-farmer video to stimulate farmers’ innovations about botanical and alternative pest management practices in Bangladesh2010Conference PaperWorld Food System- A Contribution from Europe, Tropentag 2010, North-South Centre of the ETH Zurich, September 14-16N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.The potentials of moving pictures. Does participatory video enhance learning for local innovation?2010Conference PaperInternational Symposium ‘Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food’, Montpellier, France, June 28 - July 1N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Assessment of scripted and scriptless participatory video on usefulness for local seed innovation system in Bangladesh2009Conference PaperInnovation Asia-Pacific Symposium, CIAT, ICIMOD, PROLINNOVA, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 4-7N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H. and Hauser, M.Communication for change: Participatory video supports local seed innovation in Bangladesh2009Conference PaperInnovation Asia-Pacific Symposium, CIAT, ICIMOD, PROLINNOVA, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 4-7N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to food security: Evidence from Bangladesh2009Conference PaperTropentag 2009, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, October 6-8N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Challenges to achieve systemic interaction under new institutional arrangements of an agricultural development project: A case study in Bangladesh2009Conference Paper15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, July 5-8N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Participatory video in developing community based seed system2007Conference PaperSeminar ‘Contributing to Development’, Young Scientist Forum, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, December 18N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Role of Women as Clients and Change Agents in Selected Areas of Development: Reflection from Empirical Evidence2004Conference PaperInternational Workshop on ‘Gender and Human Resources for Health: Capacity Development through Education and Training’, UGC & CIDA, Dhaka, October 13-14N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H.Role of women in the improvement of livelihoods of resource-poor households2002Conference PaperNational Workshop on ‘Implementation of New Agricultural Extension Policy: Achievements and Constraints’, BAES & Department of Agricultural Extension, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, January 26-28N/AN/A
N/APodcast on Ag Policy Connection - Agricultural Extension, with Kelvin Heppner2024Interview and media relationsCanadian Agri-food Policy Institute and Real Agriculture, May 8LinkN/A
N/AInterview with Lily Jackson for Small Farm Canada Magazine Editorial2021Interview and media relationsSmall Farm Canada Magazine, NovemberN/AN/A
N/AVideo Interview, Professor Ataharul Chowdhury by the Ontario Agriculture College, University of Guelph2021Interview and media relationsOntario Agriculture College, University of GuelphLinkN/A
N/AInterview featured in BOKU Alumni newsletter2017Interview and media relationsBOKU Alumni Newsletter, JuneLinkN/A
N/ANewsletter feature, The Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies2016Interview and media relationsThe University of the West Indies, Vol 5(3)LinkN/A
N/AArticle: "Spreading the Net, Using Online Tools to Your Advantage"2013Interview and media relationsThe Top Crop Manager EastLinkN/A
N/AArticle: ‘Social Media Helps Farmers’ Get Growing2012Interview and media relationsAt Guelph, The University of GuelphLinkN/A
N/ABest Paper Award, Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Higher Education2011Interview and media relationsThe Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Higher Education, AprilN/AN/A
N/ABest Paper Award, The Centre for Development Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences2011Interview and media relationsThe Centre for Development ResearchN/AN/A
N/AArticle: “Participatory Rural Video Centre in Bangladesh”2010Interview and media relationsThe Independent (National Newspaper), Digital Bangladesh e-newsletterLinkN/ACollaborative Research
Khondokar, K.H.*, Chowdhury, A.H.Empowering Communities: Unveiling the Power of Community-based Participatory Approach Against Agri-Food Misinformation2023Conference PosterDigital Innovation Conference, University of GuelphN/A23-JulTri-council
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H*., Abdul-Rahim, A. & Alam, F. M.A Framework for Researching and Understanding (Agri-food) Misinformation in Social Media and Online Communities of Practice2023Conference Poster2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationN/AGuelph, Canada, April 26-29
Kabir*, K., Knierim, A., & Chowdhury, A.What Matters for the Job Performance of Field Level Advisors? A Case of Madhupur Sal Forest Bangladesh2018-2019Conference PosterTropentag 2018, Global Food Security and Food Safety: The Role of Universities, Ghent, BelgiumN/A18-SepStudent
Chowdhury, A. & Hambly Odame, H.Agri-food and Rural Stakeholder’s Conversation in Social Media in Ontario2014-2015Conference PosterSocial Media and Society Conference 2014, Toronto, Canada-OntarioN/A14-SepTri-council
Kankanamge, K. S. I., Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., & Khan, N. A.Evils of knowledge sharing and learning: The case of agri-food misinformation in virtual communities of practices in Sri Lanka2025Peer-Reviewed JournalsData and Information Management
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., Asafo-Agyei, E. K., & Abdulai, A.-R.Participatory and community-based approach in combating agri-food misinformation: A Scoping Review2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsAdvancements in Agricultural Development & Student
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., Khan, N. A., Gibson, R., & McMorris, M.Embracing pluralism: assessing the perceptions of different stakeholders on the effectiveness of advisory methods in Ontario2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension Innovation Alliance & Student
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., McQuire, M., & Bureau, D. P.The dynamics of digital technology adoption in rainbow trout aquaculture: Exploring multi-stakeholder perceptions in Ontario using Q methodology and the theory of planned behaviour2025Peer-Reviewed JournalsAquaculture Innovation Alliance & Student
Binobo, G., Bradshaw, B., & Chowdhury, A.Scoping review of marine fisheries governance in the Philippines: Goals, instruments, actions, opportunities and challenges2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsRegional Studies in Marine Science
Cousineau, C., Dara, R., & Chowdhury, A.Trustworthy AI: AI developers’ lens to implementation challenges and opportunities2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsData and Information Management
Agholor, I. A., Chowdhury, A., & Olamide, E.Evaluating Inspiring Factors and Obstacles in the Start-Up of Owned Agri-Preneurial Businesses: Underlying Evidence from South Africa2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsAdministrative Sciences Research
Khan, N. A., Shah, A. A., Chowdhury, A., Wang, L., Alotaibi, B. A., & Muzamil, M. R.Rural households' livelihood adaptation strategies in the face of changing climate: A case study from Pakistan2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsHeliyon
Chowdhury, A., & Kabir, K. H.How do agricultural advisory services meet the needs of farmers? Applying Q-methodology to assessing multi-stakeholders’ perspectives on the pluralistic advisory system in Ontario, Canada2024Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Rural Studies Innovation Alliance & Student
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K. H., Abdulai, A.-R., & Alam, M. F.Systematic Review of misinformation in Social and Online Media for the Development of an Analytical Framework for Agri-Food Sector2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsSustainability & Student
Kabir, K. H., Mukut, M. M. K., Rahman, S., Chowdhury, A., Mukta, M. Z. N., Sarker, M. A., & Asfour, A.Farmers’ perceptions and capacity for 3Rs agro-waste management in a vegetable growing area of Bangladesh2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsDiscover Agriculture Research
Kabir, K. H., Rahman, S., Hasan, M. M., Chowdhury, A., & Gow, G.Facebook for digital agricultural extension services: The case of rooftop gardeners in Bangladesh2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsSmart Agricultural Technology Research
Kamruzzaman, M., Daniell, K. A., & Chowdhury, A.Developing the capacity of extension and advisory organizations to support flash flooding adaptation: A case study from Bangladesh2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsEnvironmental Challenges
Kamruzzaman, M., & Chowdhury, A.Flash flooding considerations aside: Knowledge brokering by the extension and advisory services to adapt a farming system to flash flooding2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsHeliyon
Abbas Khan, N., Chowdhury, A., Ahmad Shah, A., Khan, P., & Alhafi Alotaibi, B.The Institutional Support Index: A pragmatic approach to assessing the effectiveness of institutions’ climate risk management support-A case Study of farming communities in Pakistan2023Peer-Reviewed JournalsClimate Risk Management
Khan, N. A., Shah, A. A., Tariq, M. A. U. R., Chowdhury, A., & Khanal, U.Impact of Farmers’ Climate Risk Perception and Socio-Economic Attributes on Their Choice of ICT-Based Agricultural Information Services: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan2022Peer-Reviewed JournalsSustainability Research
Khan, N. A., Shah, A. A., Chowdhury, A., Tariq, M. A. U. R., & Khanal, U.Rice farmers’ perceptions about temperature and rainfall variations, respective adaptation measures, and determinants: Implications for sustainable farming systems2022Peer-Reviewed JournalsFrontiers in Environmental Sciences Research
Kamruzzaman, M., Anne Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Facilitating learning for innovation in a climate-stressed context: insights from flash flood-affected rice farming in Bangladesh2022Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
Uddin, M., Chowdhury, A., & Kabir, M. A.Legal and ethical aspects of deploying artificial intelligence in climate-smart agriculture2022Peer-Reviewed JournalsAI & Society
Sarker, M. A., Hoque, M., Chowdhury, A. H., & Ferdous, Z.Can Organic Agriculture Feed the Smallholders? Experience from Rural Bangladesh2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsAsia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development Research
Kabir, K. H., & Chowdhury, A.Development plans to tackle threats to agricultural sustainability in Bangladesh, Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago following COVID 192021Peer-Reviewed JournalsLocal Development & Society Research
Kamruzzaman, M., Daniell, K. A., Chowdhury, A.; Crimp, S.The Role of Extension and Advisory Services in Strengthening Farmers’ Innovation Networks to Adapt to Climate Extremes2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsSustainability
Rajabi, S., Lashgarara, F., Chowdhury, A., Rashvand, H., & Daghighi, H. S.Improving Effectiveness of Rural Information and Communication Technology Offices: The Case of Qazvin Province in Iran2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsAsia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development Research
Kabir, K. H., Knirem, A., Chowdhury, A., Darr, D.What Matters for the Job Performance of Field Advisors: A Case of Participatory Forest Management in Madhupur Sal Forest in Bangladesh2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Sustainable Forestry
Kabir, K., Knirem, A., & Chowdhury, A.No forest, no dispute: The rights-based approach to creating an enabling environment for participatory forest management based on a case from Madhupur Sal Forest, Bangladesh2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Environmental Planning and Management
Kamruzzaman, M., Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.The Role of Extension and Advisory Services in Strengthening Farmers’ Innovation Networks to Adapt to Climate Extremes2021Peer-Reviewed JournalsSustainability
Gow, G., Chowdhury, A., Ramjattan, J., & Ganpat, W.Fostering effective use of ICT in agricultural extension: participant responses to an inaugural technology stewardship training program in Trinidad2020Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
Ramjattan, J., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Extension Agents’ use of learning-based methods in Trinidad and Tobago2020Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Learning for Development7(2), 142–160Tri-Council
Gopalan, K., Duraisamy, S., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Determinants of Willingness-to-Pay A Premium Price for Integrated Pest Management Produced Fruits and Vegetables in Trinidad2020Peer-Reviewed JournalsAGRO EKONOMI Research
Kabir, K. H., Knierim, A., & Chowdhury, A.Assessment of a pluralistic advisory system: the case of Madhupur Sal Forest in Bangladesh2020Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
Gow, G., Chowdhury, A., Ramjattan, J., Ganpat, W.Enhancing ICT adoption and use through change leadership: Technology stewardship training for Caribbean agricultural communities of practice2018Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Learning for Development5(3), 296-307Tri-Council
Kaushik, P., Chowdhuy, A., Hambly Odame, H., & van Passen, A.Social Media for Enhancing Stakeholders’ Innovation Networks in Ontario, Canada2018Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Agricultural & Food Information23-Jan
Kabir, K. H., Knierim, Andrea, Chowdhury, A.Developing capacity of forest users through participatory forest management: Evidence from Madhupur Sal forest in Bangladesh2018Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Participatory Forestry5(3), 296-307Student
Kamruzzaman, M., Chowdhury, A., Van Paassen, A., & Ganpat, W.Extension Agents’ Use and Acceptance of Social Media: The Case of the Department of Agricultural Extension in Bangladesh2018Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of International Agricultural and Extension Education25(2), 132-149
Hawley, J. L., Hall, K., & Chowdhury, A.Agricultural communicators’ use of mobile devices and social media in USA2018Peer-Reviewed JournalsRural Extension & Innovation Systems Journal14(1), 101-109Collaborative Research
Ramjattan, J., Ganpat, W., & Chowdhury, A.Value of modern extension methods in improving image and quality of extension: Perception of extension agents in Trinidad and Tobago2017Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development9(8), 155-162
Chowdhury, A., Hambly Odame, H., Thompson, S., Hauser, M.Enhancing Farmers’ Capacity of botanical pesticide innovation through video-mediated learning in Bangladesh2015Peer-Reviewed JournalsInternational Journal of Agricultural Sustainability13(4), 326-349 Research
Chowdhury, A. H., Hambly Odame, H., & Leeuwis, C.Transforming the Roles of a Public Extension Agency to Strengthen Innovation: Lessons from the National Agricultural Extension Project in Bangladesh2014Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension20(1), 7-25
Chowdhury, A., & Hambly Odame, H.Social media for enhancing innovation in agrifood and rural development: Current Dynamics in Ontario, Canada2013Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Rural and Community Development8(2), 97-113
Chowdhury, A., & Hambly Odame, H.Do Social Media Support ‘Social’ Change? Insights from a Communication for Social Change Perspective in Agriculture and Rural Development2013Peer-Reviewed JournalsTEM 2013: Proceedings of the Technology & Emerging Media Track – Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication AssociationAvailable at:
Chowdhury, A. H., Aktar, R., Sarker, M.A., and Miah, M.A.M.Video, Learning and Food Security- New Thinking for supporting farmer-to-farmer learning in Bangladesh2012Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Extension Education, V. 24(1&2): 53-74N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A. H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M.Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to capital assets building: Evidence from Bangladesh2011Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Sustainable Agriculture, Vol 35 (4): 408–435N/AN/A
Sarker, M., Chowdhury, A., Miah, M., Aurangozeb, M., & Peloschek, F.Participatory rural video centre in fostering women’s voices- A model from Bangladesh2011Peer-Reviewed JournalsExtension Farming Systems Journal, 7(2), 27-32N/AN/A
Chowdhury, A.H., Hambly Odame, H and Hauser, MWith or without a script? Comparing two styles of participatory video on enhancing local seed innovation system in Bangladesh2010Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol 16 (4): 355-371N/AN/A
Huque, M. M., Chowdhury, A. H., & Saha, B.Farmers’ communication exposure to rice and poultry farming2008Peer-Reviewed JournalsThe Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, XII(1), pp. 1-10N/AN/A
Huque M. M. and Chowdhury, A. H.A Scale to Measure Superstition2007Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Social Sciences, Vol 3 (1): 18-23N/AN/A
Sarker, A., Chowdhury A. H. and Itohara, Y.Entrepreneurships Barriers of Pond Fish Culture in Bangladesh- A case Study from Mymensingh District2006Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Social Sciences, Vol 2 (3), pp. 68-73N/AN/A
Chowdhury, A.H.Factors influencing farmers’ awareness on adverse effect of rice monoculture2004Peer-Reviewed JournalsJournal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 55-62N/AN/A
Alamin, S., Miah, M.A.M. and Chowdhury, A. H.Role of women in the improvement of livelihoods of resource poor household2004Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 16 (Special Issue), pp. 25-33N/AN/A
Chowdhury, M. R. I. and Chowdhury, A. H.Mother’s Education Influencing Child Mortality Status in Bangladesh2004Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 107-115N/AN/A
Farhad, A.K.M., Kashem, M. A., Miah, M.A.M. and Chowdhury, A. H.Use of IPM practices in vegetable cultivation by women farmers2004Peer-Reviewed JournalsProgressive Agriculture, Vol. 15(1), pp. 31-38N/AN/A
Uddin, M. N., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H. and Chowdhury, A. H.Knowledge of CARE and Non-CARE Beneficiaries on Environment Friendly Farming Practices2004Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 16(2), pp. 47-52N/AN/A
Chowdhury, A. H., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H.Farmers’ attitude towards crop diversification2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 15 (1&2), pp. 101-108N/AN/A
Chowdhury, A. H., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H.Constraints faced by the farmers in diversified crop cultivation2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsProgressive Agriculture, Vol.14 (1&2), pp.101-108N/AN/A
Hossain, M.A., Islam, M.R., Chowdhury, A. H. and Ali, M.M.Change in socio-economic status of CARE-beneficiaries in flood prone haor areas2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsProgressive Agriculture, Vol.14 (1&2), pp. 157-162N/AN/A
Hossain, M.A., Chowdhury, A.H. Islam, M.R. and Ali, M.M.Economic achievement of the CARE-beneficiaries in flood prone haor area2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 372-376N/AN/A
Sarker, R.C., Hossain, M.A. and Chowdhury, A. H.Farmers’ use of indigenous practices as an alternative to agro-chemical use in crop cultivation2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsProgressive Agriculture, Vol. 14 (1&2), pp. 171-176N/AN/A
Sarker, R.C., Hossain, M.A., Chowdhury, A. H. and Hamid, M.A.Farmers’ Perception of Environmental Degradation due to Use of Agro-chemicals2003Peer-Reviewed JournalsBangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 9(2), pp. 368-371N/AN/A
Karim, M.R., Chowdhury, A., & Farha, T.Perception Climate Change and Driving Factors for the Adoption of Drought Tolerance Varieties of Rice2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationJournal of International Agricultural and ExtensionUnder ReviewN/A
Gideon, B.*, Bradshaw, B., Chowdhury, A.Systematic Literature Review of Marine Fisheries Governance in the Philippines: Goals, Instruments, Actions, Opportunities and Challenges2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Maggie, M., Chowdhury, A., Nasir, A.K.Exploring Prince Edward Island Beef Farmer Perceptions of Participation in Climate Change Mitigation2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Carter, C.*, Rozita, D., & Chowdhury, A.Trustworthy AI: AI Developers’ Lens to Implementation Challenges and Opportunities2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationData and Information ManagementMajor RevisionN/A
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., Khan, N.A., & Gordon, G.How does misinformation influence the digital agri-food advisory service? Multistakeholder Perspectives from Sri Lanka2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationSustainable FuturesUnder ReviewN/A
Uddin, M.M.*, Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Ahsan, D.H.Fostering an Enabling Environment for the Transfer of Renewable Energy Technologies in Bangladesh: A Q-Methodology Approach2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationResource PolicyUnder ReviewN/A
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., Gibson, R., Morris, M.Embracing Pluralism: Assessing the Perceptions of Different Stakeholders on the Effectiveness of Advisory Methods in Ontario2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationThe Journal of Agricultural Education and ExtensionUnder ReviewN/A
Chowdhury, A., Khan, N.A., Kabir, K.H.Effectiveness of Pluralistic Agricultural Extension Networks in Ontario, Canada: A Q Methodology Approach2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., McQuire, M., Domoniuqe, B.The dynamics of adoption of digital technologies in rainbow trout aquaculture: Exploring multi-stakeholder perception from Ontario through Q-methodology and theory of planned behavior2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationAquacultureMajor RevisionN/A
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H.Assessment of decision support system used by Ontario rainbow trout industry2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Kasuni, S.L.K.*, Chowdhury, A.H., Kabir, K.H., & Khan, N.A.Evils of knowledge sharing and learning: The case agri-food misinformation in virtual communities of practices in Sri Lanka2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationData and Information ManagementUnder ReviewN/A
Kasuni, S.L.K.*, Chowdhury, A.H., Khan, N.A., & Kabir, K.H.Digital Harvest: Assessing the Impact of Facebook on Learning and Collaboration in Sri Lanka's Agri-Food Communities2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationLandSubmittedN/A
Kabir, K.H.*, Edet, U., Ahmed, W., & Chowdhury, A.H.Examining the Polarization of Public Opinion on Emission Cut Policies: An Analysis of YouTube Comments Related to the Controversial Tractor Protest by Dutch Farmers2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationEnvironmental Science and PolicyUnder ReviewN/A
Azizi, H.*, Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Khan, N.A.Online Climate Change Misinformation in Iranian Agriculture: Applying Q-Methodology to Investigate Agricultural Advisors' Perceptions2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Uduak, E.*, Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Khan, N.A.Gender Perspectives in Agricultural Misinformation: Examining Farmers’ Responses to Misinformation in the Nigerian agricultural sector2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Kabir, K., Chowdhury, A., & Khan, N.A.Systematic literature review on factors influencing adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Uduak, E.*, Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Khan, N.A.Exploring the roles and interaction of agri-food actors in the creation and spread of misinformation in agricultural information systems2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Kabir, K.*, Chowdhury, A., & Uduak, E., Khan, N.A.Systematic literature review on combatting strategies to climate change misinformation2024Manuscript Submitted and in PreparationN/AFirst DraftN/A
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., & Illesinghe Kankanamge, K.SHow does misinformation influence the virtual agri-food advisory service? Multiactor’s Perspectives from Sri Lanka2023Peer-reviewed Conference proceedings26th European Seminar on Extension & Education (Toulouse, 10-13 July 2023)DOI: 10.17180/y125-rn04Published in the Book of Abstracts, Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergenceStudent
Kabir, K., Knierim, A., & Chowdhury, A.Assessment of pluralistic advisory services: A case of Madhupur Sal forest in Bangladesh2018Peer-reviewed Conference proceedings13th European IFSA SymposiumN/AN/AStudent
Gopalan, K., Saravanakumar, D., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Determinants of Willingness-To-Pay a premium price for Integrated Pest Management produced fruits and vegetables: The case of Trinidad2017Peer-reviewed Conference proceedingsOperations Management, Analytics and Statistical Methods-2017N/AN/ACollaborative Research
Sarker, Md. Asaduzzaman, Chowdhury, A., Miah, Md. Abdul Momen, & Peloschek, F.Participatory Videos: A New Media for Promoting Organic Farming in Northern Bangladesh2014Peer-reviewed Conference proceedings4th International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) Scientific Conference, Building Organic Bridges, Istanbul 13-15 OctN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A., & Hambly Odame, H.Do Social Media Support 'Social' Change? Insights from a Communication for Social Change Perspective in Agriculture and Rural Development2013Peer-reviewed Conference proceedingsCanadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual ConferenceN/AN/ATri-Council
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K.H., Abdul-Rahim, A. & Alam, F. M.A framework for researching and understanding (agri-food) misinformation in social media and online communities of practice2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsTri-Council
Gow, G., Dissanayeke, U., Ganpat, W., Chowdhury, A., & Ramjattan, J.The ICT Stewardship Project: Introducing a community of practice approach for inclusive digital innovation training with EAS practitioners2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsTri-Council
Chowdhury, A., Kabir, K., Gibson, R. & Morris, M.Assessing stakeholders’ perception of underreported pluralistic advisory service system in Ontario, Canada using the Q-methodology2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsAgri-food Innovation Alliance & Student
Ramjattan, J., Ganpat, W. & Chowdhury, A.Social Media Use and its Impact on Social Learning Among Facebook Users in the Agricultural Sector of Trinidad and Tobago2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsCollaborative Research
Alam, F., Chowdhury, A., & Kabir, K.H.Developing a theoretical framework for researching farmers’ protests against public policy for promoting climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices rooted in populism2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Kabir, K. H., Rahma, S., Hassan, M.M., Chowdhury, A., Sarker, A.How does Facebook support agricultural advisory needs? The Case of Rooftop Gardening in Bangladesh2023Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2023 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Guelph, CanadaLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Allen, P.*, Chowdhury, A.The Social Side of Soils: A Farmer Centered Analysis on the Adoption of Cover Crops2022Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2022 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, GreeceLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Chowdhury, A., & Alam, M. F*Combatting Online Agriculture Misinformation (OAM): A Perspective from Political Economy of Misinformation2022Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2022 Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, GreeceLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Kamruzzaman, Md., Danniel, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Supporting Learning to Enhance Innovation in a Flash Flood affected Rice Farming Context in Bangladesh2021Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2021 virtual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Kabir, K. H., & Chowdhury, A.Setting Development Agendas by the Media to Combat Threats to Agricultural Sustainability Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago2021Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2021 virtual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsCollaborative Research
Ramjattan, J., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.The Use of WhatsApp in Facilitating Social Learning Among Agricultural Communities of Practice in Trinidad & Tobago2021Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract2021 virtual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension EducationLinkPublished in the conference proceedingsStudent
Gow, G., Dissanayeke, U., Jayathilake, C., Chowdhury, A., & Ramjattan, J.Putting the Capabilities Approach into Action (Research): A Comparative Assessment of a Technology Stewardship Training Program for Agricultural Extension in Sri Lanka and Trinidad2020Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractInternational Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2020 ConferenceN/AN/ATri-council
Kamruzzaman, M., Daniell, K., Chowdhury, A., & Crimp, S.Innovation Networks for adapting Rice Cultivation to Flash Flooding in Bangladesh2020Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractInternational Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2020 ConferenceN/AN/AStudent
Kamruzzaman, M., & Chowdhury, A.How do agricultural extension workers of DAE use social media for strengthening agricultural innovation in Bangladesh?2020Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract36th Annual Conference of Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE)N/AAbstract accepted, conference cancelledStudent
Ramjattan, J., Chowdhury, A., Ganpat, W., & Kathiravan, G.Use of Social Media by the Agricultural Extension Community of Practices in Trinidad & Tobago2020Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract36th Annual Conference of Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE)N/AAbstract accepted, conference cancelledStudent
Chowdhury, A., Ganpat, W., Ramjattan, J., & Hambly Odame, H.Facebook for Creating Online Networks of Innovation Actors: The Case of Agricultural Organizations in Trinidad & Tobago2018Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract34th Annual Conference of AIAEE, Merida, Yucatan, MexicoN/APublished in conference proceedingsCollaborative Research
Ramjattan, J., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Extension Agents’ Use of Learning Based Methods in Trinidad and Tobago2018Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract34th Annual Conference of AIAEE, Merida, Yucatan, MexicoN/APublished in conference proceedingsStudent
Kathiravan, G., Saravanakumar, D., Chowdhury, A., & Ganpat, W.Determinants of Willingness-To-Pay a premium price for Integrated Pest Management produced fruits and vegetables: The case of Trinidad2017Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractConference on “Operations Management, Analytics and Statistical Methods-2017,” Mysuru, IndiaN/AN/ACollaborative Research
Ramjattan, J., Chowdhury, A., Narine, L., & Ganpat, W.Factors Influencing Extension Agent’s Attitude towards ICTs in Trinidad & Tobago2017Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract33rd Annual Conference of AIAEE, Minneapolis, USAN/APublished in conference proceedingsCollaborative Research
Sarker, M. A., Chowdhury, A. H., Miah, M. A. M., & Peloschek, F. A.Participatory Videos: A New Media for Promoting Organic Farming in Northern Bangladesh2014Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractBuilding Organic Bridges, Istanbul, ISOFARN/APublished in conference proceedingsCollaborative Research
Chowdhury, A.H., and Hambly Odame, H.Transforming roles of extension to strengthen innovation: Lessons from Bangladesh2013Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract10th European IFSA symposium, Aarhus UniversityN/APublished in conference abstract book
Chowdhury A.H., Aktar, R., Peloschek, F.A., Sarker, M.A.Participatory rural video centre- An approach to support learning and farmers’ innovation in Bangladesh2011Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract‘Development at the Margin’ Tropentag 2011, University of BonnN/APublished in the conference abstract book
Chowdhury A.H., Van Mele, P., Hauser, M.Learning through moving pictures: Farmer-to-farmer video to stimulate farmers’ innovations about botanical and alternative pest management practices in Bangladesh2010Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractTropentag 2010, North-South Centre of the ETH ZurichN/APublished in the conference abstract book
Chowdhury A.H., Van Mele, P., Hauser, M.Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to food security: evidence from Bangladesh2009Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractTropentag 2009, University of HamburgN/APublished in the conference abstract book
Chowdhury A.H., Leeuwis, C., Hauser, M.Challenges to achieve systemic interaction under new institutional arrangements of an agricultural development project: A case study in Bangladesh2009Peer-reviewed Conference Abstract15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM 2009), University FĂŒr Bodenkulture, ViennaN/APublished in the conference abstract book
Chowdhury A.H., Hauser, M.Assessment of scripted and scriptless participatory video on usefulness for local seed innovation system in Bangladesh2009Peer-reviewed Conference AbstractInnovation Asia Pacific Symposium, Kathmandu, NepalLinkPublished at the Innovation Asia Pacific Symposium
Chowdhury, A.H.The Power of Moving Pictures. Participatory Video Enables Learning and Agricultural Innovation in Bangladesh2011ThesisUnpublished Doctoral Thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaN/AUnpublished
Chowdhury, A.H.Having a system does not make a home. A case study on institutional arrangement of the north-west crop diversification project in Bangladesh2007ThesisUnpublished MSc. Thesis, Wageningen UniversityN/AUnpublished
Chowdhury, A.H.Farmers’ attitude towards crop diversification2003ThesisUnpublished MSc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityN/AUnpublished
Chowdhury, A. & Kabir, K.H.Enabling adoption of digital technologies by Rainbow trout farms in Ontario2024Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on YouTube
Brewin, D. B., Chowdhury, A., & Kittilsen, T.Overview of the Canadian Public Agricultural Extension and Advisory Service2022Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report North American Agricultural Advisory Services, The Colorado State University SystemN/ACountry Mapping Paper
Chowdhury, A. & Martin, A.The State of Pluralistic Agricultural Services in Ontario Part 32022Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on YouTube
Chowdhury, A. & Martin, A.The State of Pluralistic Agricultural Services in Ontario Part 22022Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on YouTube
Chowdhury, A. & Martin, A.The State of Pluralistic Agricultural Services in Ontario Part 12022Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on YouTube
Chowdhury, A., Melrose, A., & Martin, A.Networks, Methods and Quality of Soil and Crop Advisory Services in Ontario2021Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of GuelphN/AResearch brief
Chowdhury, A., Melrose, A., & Martin, A.Networks, Methods and Quality of Livestock Advisory Services in Ontario2021Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of GuelphN/AResearch brief
Chowdhury, A.Promotional teaser developed for the forum discussion series, "What’s holding up agricultural advisory services"2021Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on Facebook
Chowdhury, A.Promotional teaser developed for the webinar series, "Rethinking participation in the digital age of communication for development and social change"2021Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on Facebook
Chowdhury, A., & Martin, E.Report on Forum Discussions, "What's holding up advancing agricultural advisory services?"2021Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Funding Program, Ontario Agri-Food Innovation AllianceN/ASubmitted report
Chowdhury, A., & Jeffrey, S.Report of the Workshop on Livestock Advisory Services2020Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Funding Program, Ontario Agri-Food Innovation AllianceN/ASubmitted report
Gow, G., Jayathilake, C., Ganpat, W., Chowdhury, A., Ramjattan, J.An Introduction to Technology Stewardship for Agricultural Communities of Practices2018Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Trinidad & Tobago MALF North region Case studyLinkAvailable online
Gow, G., Chowdhury, A., Kumar, S., & Sampson, T.An Introduction to Technology Stewardship for Agricultural Communities of Practices2018Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report N/ALinkAvailable on YouTube
Chowdhury, A.ATA’s Avatar2018Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Capacity Development and Extension Faculty SearchLinkAvailable on YouTube
Chowdhury, A.Mobile Application for Small Scale Fisheries2018Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Teaching Session, Capacity Development and Extension Faculty SearchLinkAvailable on YouTube
Mallaileu, K., & Chowdhury, A.Assessment framework for ICT-enabled resilience of small-scale fishers to climate change and variability2017Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Report submitted to FAO, BarbadosN/ASubmitted report
Chowdhury, A. H.Radio+....How Radio Makes a Difference2014Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Guest lecture by Prof. Helen Hambly OdameN/AVideo for EDRD 3160
Chowdhury, A. H.Say ‘NO’ to chemicals, ‘USE’ botanicals2010Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Symposium on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and FoodN/AVideo on participatory research
Chowdhury, A. H.‘Enabling Rural Innovation: Development at the science-practice interface’2010Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Horizon 3000 AGM, Kampala, UgandaN/AVideo on rural innovation
Chowdhury, A. H.‘Simple care and low-cost practices, Bring both golden seeds and produces’2009Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Innovation Asia Pacific Symposium, Kathmandu, NepalN/AVideo on seed innovations
Chowdhury, A. H.Overcoming crises - a kaleidoscope of opinions from around the world’2009Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Inaugural workshop of the Centre for Development Research, ViennaLinkAvailable online
Chowdhury et al.‘Practical manual of agricultural extension education’2009Videos, Lecture, Training Materials and Technical Report Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityN/AEducational manual