GNF and IAMCR Rural Communication Webinar Series Part 1

GNF and IAMCR Rural Communication Webinar Series Part 1. Please see the details below:

Date: December 3, 2021 at 10 am ET

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As part of the SSHRC connection grant, Global Networks Forum on Communication for Agriculture, we organized a series of webinars in the last year with established and emerging scholars and practitioners of communication for development and social change from regional and global networks, such as Collaborative Change Communication for Development (CCComdev) the Rural Communication Group of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), and Canadian Communication Association.

In collaboration with the IAMCR Rural Communication Group, we like to continue the webinar initiatives. In this part, we are happy to invite Fred Campbell, the Founder of Ryakuga–a non-profit that facilitates grassroots communication and social change. In December, 2020, Campbell registered Ethical Journalism as a new Canadian nonprofit. In this presentation, Fred will discuss their work to build the seventh wave of participatory development support communications for community sustainability in rural Newfoundland, Canada .