I have been actively engaged in the supervision of independent research theses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.  I have dedicated my research and teaching to building personal relationships with others. I empathize deeply with how injustice affects people and communities—and I believe individual advocacy is insufficient. My program of research creates environments where participants receive training and are actively involved in community-engaged initiatives related to capacity development and agri-food innovation.

I am currently working (Supervisor/Co-supervisor) with the following students

  • Md Firoze Alam (Doctoral/Rural Studies, University of Guelph): Research Topic, Influence of Misinformation on Rural Communities
  • Gideon D. Binobo (Doctoral/ Geography and International Development, University of Guelph): Research Topic, Interrogating Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Seafood Governance in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation
  • Carter Cousineau (Doctoral/ Computational Sciences, University of Guelph): Research Topic, Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
  • Jeet Ramjattan (Doctoral/ Agricultural Extension, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine): Research Topic, Dynamics of social media use and misuse: Towards Strengthening agricultural extension services in Trinidad & Tobago.
  • Adelle Zaira Roop Chand (Doctoral/ Agricultural Extension, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine): Research Topic, Barriers and Opportunities for Adoption and Use of Cyber Extension in the Caribbean
  • Maggie Mc Cormick (MSc CDE, University of Guelph): Research Topic, Climate Change Communication
  • Kasuni Sachithra Illesinghe Kankanamge (MSc CDE, University of Guelph): Research Topic, Facebook for strengthening learning and relationship building among members of agricultural communities of practices in Sri Lanka.
  • Jamieson Black (MSc CDE, University of Guelph):
  • Andre Melrose (MSc CDE, University of Guelph):

Currently, I am serving to the committee of the following students