We live in an era we constantly deal with various types of data in our every day life or professional practices. The course focuses on data collection methods and analytics. Student will be introduced to mixed methods for data collection and analytical techniques in agri-food and rural development. Students will learn about different stages of the research/data collection process, including the formulation of research/evaluation problems and questions, selection of appropriate qualitative or quantitative research approach and design of methods for data collection and analysis. Strategies and tools considered ranging from secondary analysis, and processes of ethnography to action and participatory research as well as observation and experiential methods, key informant interviews, group discussions, content analysis and newer techniques based on the use of narrative, visualization, online data, video and social media. The discussion includes attention to power relations and ethics in data collection methods. The course will introduce necessary skills of relevant software for data collection and analysis, such as Covidence, NVIVO, Qualtrics, Communalytic, NodeXL, PQmethod/Qmethod, analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and data visualization tools, such as Tableau, and Voyant. The course is designed for “praxis” – theory in practice – using knowledge about data collection methods and analysis for one’s own research and career practice. A range of learning activities are used including independent project work, classroom discussions with lectures, videos and required readings and group exercises. Students will undertake a mini study by engaging with a community organization or similar group and will have the opportunity to engage on a practical basis with methods, techniques, data analysis and reporting. The lab sessions will introduce relevant data analysis and visualizations software. In addition to the required time in the class, students will have to spend an estimated 5-6 hours/wk for reading and assignments.

CDE 6000: Methods, Data and Analytics in Agri-food and Rural Development
Go to Courselink
2.20 pm
LA 133
Fall, 2024