New Publication: Enhancing ICT Adoption
Dr. Chowdhury has been collaborating with the University of Alberta and the University of the West Indies, Trinidad, to undertake participatory action research on technology stewardship― a model for strengthening change leadership role for adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) within any kind of community of practice. (Read more)
New Publication: Advisory Service for Sustainable Forest Resource Management
Although advisory services are considered as an essential component for supporting the livelihoods of disadvantaged communities in low-income regions, there are few studies related to advisory services for forest resource management, especially in Bangladesh. (Read more)
New Publication: Social Media, Advisory Service and Climate Change
A new journal paper co-authored by Md Kamruzzaman, Ataharul Chowdhury, Helen Hambly and Silvia Sarapura, highlights how agricultural advisory agents use social media to support agricultural innovation in Bangladesh. (Read more)